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How Can I Give A Tip?

  • Connector.

    Contact 88-CRIME

    Call 88-CRIME at (520)-882-7463 or give a tip on-line or use the free new P3 Tips mobile app. If your tip leads to a felony arrest or indictment you will be eligible for a reward of up to $2,500

  • Connector.

    Your Identity Is Protected

    Your information will be taken in strictest confidence. Your identity will be protected and you will never have to give your name. Telephone calls are not recorded or traced. Online and mobile tips are encrypted.

  • Connector.

    Tip Code Provided

    You will be given a confidential tip code number. Your confidential tip code number should be kept private and NOT shared with anyone.

  • Connector.

    Call 24 Hours A Day

    If you have additional tip information contact 88-CRIME again, provide your confidential tip number and update your tip 24 hours a day.

88-Crime Stats:

Arrests Made – 0

Cases Cleared – 0

Rewards Approved – $0

Property Recovered – $0

Drugs Seized – $0

Total Value Recovered: $0

Check The Status of Your Tip

Call 88-CRIME via phone at (520)-882-7463

Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm

Have your confidential tip code number available.

If you provide your tip via the web, updates are available 24 hours a day through our website. Click here.

How Does It Work?

88-CRIME Inc is guided by the best practices of Crime Stoppers USA.

88-CRIME is available at (520)-882-7463 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, taking anonymous tips on serious criminal activity. Se habla espanol.

If you witness a crime in progress or immediate assistance is needed, you should call 911.

Be Rewarded For Your Tip

If you have information on a serious crime or the location of a person who is wanted, contact 88-CRIME via phone at (520)-882-7463 or give a tip on-line. If your tip leads to a felony arrest or indictment you will be eligible for a reward of up to $2,500.

Funding of 88-CRIME

88-CRIME, Inc., as a non-profit corporation, is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors are volunteers. They determine the policies and procedures for 88-CRIME, Inc, make the award decisions, participate in and support school education and public awareness programs to prevent crime and to encourage crime reporting.

88-CRIME, Inc is funded by donations and fund raising. Tax dollars are not used for rewards.

Rewards, determined by the Board of Directors of 88-CRIME, Inc., are offered for 88-CRIME tips that lead to the arrest and / or indictment of persons who have committed felonies or other covered offenses.